This page is a great resource for all Douglas County 4-H FAQ’s. See below!
Douglas County 4-H FAQ’s:
- Q: When can I join Douglas County 4-H?
- A: Registration for each year opens October 1 and closes March 1. Click here to find more information on 4-H enrollment & program details:
Douglas County Fair & Rodeo FAQ’s:
- Q: When is the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo?
- A: July 25 – August 3, 2025
- Q: When do I sign-up for Fair? And how?
- A: Fair Registration will open June 1 and close June 16 this year. A link will be sent out to families & then posted here for you to sign-up. Late entries will not be accepted. GENERAL PROJECTS AT FAIR, sign up here: // LIVESTOCK PROJECTS AT FAIR, sign up here:
- Q: Is participating in the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo mandatory for Douglas County 4-H members?
- A: Nope! Participating is in the Fair is completely optional. However, many 4-H members find Fair experience to greatly complement their 4-H experience!
- Q: Where can I find the link to the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Page?
- A:
- Q: Where can I find the link to the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Competition Rules?
- A:
Animal Projects at Douglas County Fair – Common Q&A’s:
- Q: What classes & events can I sign up for during Fair Registration if I am enrolled in an Animal Project?
- A: Llama Shows, Dog Shows, Horse Shows, Miniature Horse Shows, Cat Shows, Goat Shows, Rabbit Shows, Hog Shows, Poultry Shows, Beef Shows, Sheep Shows & the Junior Livestock Sale.
- Q: What is the program called to sign up for Animal Projects at Fair?
- A: “ShoWorks”
General Projects/Shooting Sports Projects at Douglas County Fair – Common Q&A’s:
- Q: What classes & contests can I sign up for during Fair Registration if I am enrolled in a General Project (or Shooting Sports Project)?
- A: Rocket Fly Day Contest (must be enrolled in Rocketry Project), Fashion Revue Contest (must be enrolled in Artistic Clothing Project, Clothing Construction Project, Leathercraft Project and/or Heritage Arts Project), County Shoot Competition (must be enrolled in a Shooting Sports Project), & Exhibit Day.
- Q: What is the program called to sign up for General Projects at Fair?
- A: “Fair Entry”
- Q: If I am enrolled in a General Project/Shooting Sports Project and do not wish to participate in Douglas County Fair, how do I “complete” my project?
- A: If you do not wish to have your project judged and have the potential to make it to State Fair, you can schedule a completion interview with the 4-H Extension Specialist by September 30. Call 720-733-6940. to schedule.
- Q: If I want to participate in the Douglas County Fair, but am not able to attend Exhibit Day, what are my options?
- A: If you want to submit your project to be judged at Douglas County Fair, with the potential to qualify for Colorado State Fair, but cannot physically attend Exhibit Day – you may drop off your project the Friday before Exhibit Day at the Douglas County Fairgrounds Events Center. Remember, a “completed project” is a completed record book + exhibit combo.
- Q: Where can I find the rules to complete my General/Shooting Sports Project(s)?
- A: Douglas County 4-H follows the Colorado 4-H State Rules:
- Q: Where can I find the Shooting Sports County Shoot Competition Rules?
- A: