Visit our Colorado State Extension office for more news, tools and resources.

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Welcome to the CSU Extension Office in Douglas County. Our goal is to assist you with any questions you may have whether it is about gardening, wildlife, 4-H or any other needs.

Extension Education and Services   arrow

Douglas County Extension seeks to Coloradans’ quality of life by extending knowledge-based education to foster successful gardeners and help individuals make informed decisions about plants. We are committed to using horticulture to empower gardeners, develop partnerships, and build stronger communities.

flowers growing in a garden.

Garden Diagnostics

Extension staff and Master Gardener volunteers are ready to identify garden plants, weeds, plant diseases, and insects at no charge at the Extension Office in Castle Rock. Samples can be delivered during regular office hours. (Please bring symptomatic plant or insect specimens in sealed containers. No human or animal body tissues or fluids accepted under any circumstance).

Education and Workshops

Colorado Master Gardeners appear at local farmers’ markets, libraries, garden clubs, and other events with educational activities and garden advice. If you would like a gardening workshop, talk, webinar, or outreach booth at your next event, contact the office!

Sedalia volunteers
lawn with garden beds

Lawn Checks and On-Site Diagnostics

Trouble with the lawn, a tree, or other landscaping? Extension specialists make house calls! Schedule a 1-hour site visit to diagnose your lawn or other garden issue for a $75.00 fee.

(Extension Services are available to all regardless of ability to pay).

School and Community Garden Mentorship

Colorado Master Gardener volunteers serve as garden educators and mentors for gardeners of all ages. Does your school or community have a garden in need of educational support? Let us help you!