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Welcome to the CSU Extension Office in Douglas County. "Extension" means reaching out and extending university research and resources to meet public needs at the community level. Our goal is to assist you with any question you may have, whether it is about gardening, wildlife, 4-H, or any other needs.

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About 4-H

What is 4-H?

4-H is a positive youth development program for children ages 5 to 18 years. It is delivered by Cooperative Extension—a community of more than 100 public universities across the nation that provides experiences where young people learn by doing. For more than 100 years, 4‑H has welcomed young people of all beliefs and backgrounds, giving kids a voice to express who they are and how they make their lives and communities better.

4-H in Douglas County looks different for each person depending on project interest, availability, involvement & commitment. Although, each member must choose at least 1 project and 1 club to join. Use the 2 resources below to find a project that you’d like to try and a club that supports that project and works for your family’s schedule!

4-H is a project and club-based learning experience. Click the links below to see all that we offer!

2024-2025 DC 4-H Club List *Updated 1/23/2025*

2024-2025 DC 4-H Project List *Updated 10/21/2024*

2024-2025 4-H Dates and Deadlines**All dates are TENTATIVE. Please refer to the 4-H Blast for the most current dates.

Check out these linked pages for more detailed information on your interest areas

4-H Cloverbud Program (ages 5-7)

4-H Projects & Contests

4-H School & Community Programs

4-H Resources

Policies for Success 2024-2025

**updated October 2024

The Douglas County 4-H Policies for Success are the primary resource for families. Supplemental policies can be found on our website as well. Please be aware of ALL project/enrollment deadlines from when to enroll in a project, drop a project, enroll in 4-H, register for events (including County and State Fairs). If you have questions, please contact the Extension Office as soon as possible to get clear guidance.

Join 4-H

Here are a few easy steps to get you started:

**Enrollment for the new 4-H year begins in October! If you are interested in joining 4-H, now is a great time to start looking at clubs that would be a great fit for you and your family!

  1. Contact the Douglas County Extension office at (720) 733-6940 to discuss club options.
  2. Contact 4-H club leader -2024-2025 DC 4-H Club List *Updated 11-14-2024*
  3. Select projects that you are interested in doing – 2024-2025 Project List*Updated 10-28-2024*
  4. Go to to create a profile and register.
  5. Pay your enrollment fees.
    • Credit card payment can be made online HERE or over the phone at 720-733-6940.
    • Cash or check (made payable to “Colorado State University”) dropped off at the Douglas County Extension Office
      • 410 Fairgrounds Road, Castle Rock, CO 80104 
  6. Registration closes March 1.  See below for more information.
    • You must register for 4-H Online before partaking in Douglas County 4-H Activities. 

Important Registration Dates

  • 4-H Re-Enrollment for Returning Members (18-year-olds) *:
    • October 1 through December 31st:
      • $60 per child
      • Paperwork and payment must be completed.
    • January 1st through March 1st:
      • $85 per child 
      • Paperwork and payment must be completed. 
    • If a returning 4-H member fails to re-enroll on 4HOnline by March 1st, they will not be eligible to participate in county or state competitions, including the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo.
  • 4-H Enrollment for New Members (8-18 year olds)*:
    • October 1 through March 1:
      • $60 per child 
      • Paperwork and payment must be completed.  
    • Please contact the Extension Office if you are looking to enroll after March 1st.
      • If enrolling after March 1, participation will be limited to the Douglas County Discovery 4-H Activities. Youth will NOT be eligible to compete at the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo or Colorado State Fair.
  • Cloverbud Enrollment (5-7 year olds)*:
    • Any time during 4-H Year
      • $40 per child

*All program ages are the age of youth by December 31st, 2024

Financial Assistance is available.

Please contact the extension office at 720-733-6940.


Volunteer for Douglas County 4-H

Thank you for your interest in volunteering as a 4-H leader in Douglas County. New leaders must complete the following:
Requirements to become a Douglas County Volunteer Leader

1. Enroll

Enroll in 4-H online & complete the volunteer application. The volunteer application process MUST be completed within 45 days of initiating the process or you will have to start all over again. This will include re-contacting references and re-completing the training.

2. Submit References

Three “Confidential Reference Questionnaires” completed by persons other than a relative or leader within the same club. We will email the reference form to the references that you have listed on your application you complete through You will be notified when the reference questionnaires are emailed out so that you can follow up with the references if necessary. All responses will be confidential. At least two returned references must be positive.

3. Complete the 4-H Leader Training

Inquire from the Extension Office the instructions for the training as the code changes every year.  Four interactive, self-paced, online training modules, 15-20 minutes each. Quizzes given online after each module. Email the Extension Office the certificate at the end of the training. 

4. Complete and Pass a Background Check
  1. We will notify you via email when we have submitted the background check.
  2. You will receive an email from HireRight Customer Support, a secured site, within five business days. Please make sure to check your spam folder. If you do not receive the email from HireRight within five days, immediately contact the Extension office.
  3. The email from HireRight provides a hotlink and a password for you to log into a secure site. You need to be prepared to enter these items: name, address, phone number, DOB, social security number and driver’s license number and then authorize HireRight to conduct a background check. You MUST respond.
  4. If you do not respond within 7-10 days, CSU Human Resource Services will send the link to you a second time with a message that the request will be cancelled if you do not respond within 7 days.(This is a courtesy to you). If the request is cancelled due to nonresponse and we have to resubmit your background check again, then you will be assessed a $45 fee. This fee has to be paid before you are able to be a leader.

*Any leader not enrolled for a continuous period of 6 months must repeat these steps when re-applying to become a leader.

Contact Us

Jacie Rex – 4-H Youth Development Agent – General Projects and Shooting Sports –

Mercedes Glenn – 4-H Youth Development Agent – Animal and Equine Science –

Sylvia Worcester – Extension Administrative Assistant –