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Welcome to the CSU Extension Office in Douglas County. Our goal is to assist you with any questions you may have whether it is about gardening, wildlife, 4-H or any other needs.

Sedalia Musem Plant Select Garden   arrow

Colorado Master Gardeners maintain several gardens surrounding the Sedalia Museum.  The gardens are open during daylight hours, 365 days a year, and feature resilient plants for Colorado gardens.  The historic house and residential-sized lot make it a great place to find inspiration for your yard!

Pink Delosperma with yellow Gazania

Delosperma and Gazania flower together in drought-tolerant exuberance.

Three Colorado Master Gardeners maintain a purple garden.

Allium, Iris, and Syringa (Lilac) make for a purple garden.

Colorado Master Gardeners

Many hands make light work!